Every Muslim Has To Give In Charity… |Hadith On Charity

Every Muslim Has To Give In Charity… |Hadith On Charity

Every Muslim Has To Give In Charity…

Narrated Abu Burda (radiALLAH anhu) from his Father from his Grandfather:

That the Prophet (salALLAHU alaihi wa sallam) said:
"Every Muslim has to give in charity."

The people asked:
"O ALLAH's Prophet (salALLAHU alaihi wa sallam)! If someone has nothing to give, what will he do?"

He (salALLAHU alaihi wa sallam) said:
"He should work with his hands and benefit himself and also give in charity (from what he earns)."

The people further asked:
"If he cannot find even that?"

He (salALLAHU alaihi wa sallam) replied:
"He should help the needy who appeal for help."

Then the people asked:
"If he cannot do that?"

He (salALLAHU alaihi wa sallam) replied:
"Then he should perform good deeds and keep away from evil deeds and this will be regarded as charitable deeds."

>> {Sahih Bukhari (Book # 24, Hadith # 524)} <<

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