You Will Be Delighted At The Fruits Of Your Efforts… |Never Give Up

You Will Be Delighted At The Fruits Of Your Efforts… Never Give Up

You Will Be Delighted At The Fruits Of Your Efforts…

All great results for the Sake of Allah have years of unseen pain and struggle behind them.
When we cry and shake hands with a new revert to Islam, we love the electrified and emotional environment, we clap and exult.

Yet, most of the times, behind this wonderful moment is uncountable moments of toil and hard work of our brothers & sisters who are spreading the Message of Islam.
No one was boosting them or congratulating them during these countless efforts for da'wah.

Great results emanate from great efforts.
There might not always be people to pat you on the back, your excitement will not always be the same, you might even be bored or close to leaving it at times!

But remember the sure & promised reward at the end of the road.
By Allah, there will come a time in dunya and akhirah, where you will be delighted at the fruits of your efforts.
Never Give Up!

- Tawfique Chowdhury


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